This Application Form is to confirm if your business is a good fit
and are only for entrepreneurs & business owners who meet the following criteria:
1) You are serious about getting started within in the next 3 months
2) You are ready to stop creating excuses, put in the work and
do what is necessary to craft the business that you dream off
3) You are financially and mentally ready to invest in your business AND an online presence that captures your brand essence.
Keep reading…
So! You are ready…
to (re)-launch and build the business of your dreams,
to put in the work and collaborate
to invest and stop the hesitation
and the making of endless excuses after excuses
You are ready to take ACTION?
Well let’s see…
Here are your next steps:
Step 1
Consultation Application Form
Step 2
Schedule Online Consultation Meeting
Consultation calls are held via Zoom.
You will be emailed the Zoom link once your application has been submitted and approved to move onto to Step 2.
***Financial Readiness
We understand that sometimes you need clarity on a few things to better understand our offering. We encourage you to email us with your questions and we will reply via email and we will address those questions on our social media platforms. It's more efficient this way.
Because our consultations are free, and in order for us to keep them that way, they are reserved for persons who are in the position to take it to the next step. We wish we could speak with everyone 1:1 however resources does not allow us to do such.
If you really want to get on a 1:1 call for click here to book a Brand Discovery & Assessment. In the meantime you can join the VIP List, while you work on putting together the funds for the initial deposit.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you soon!