You’re here because your child is having some learning difficulties.
Here are some of the main ways we can help:
blended schooling
Blended schooling is where you enroll your child to our private school full-time. We utilize a blended learning approach, meaning some days you attend school and one day of the week you learn via online learning.
These sessions are designed where we do 1:1 (one on one) private sessions to work with your child. This is perfect for you if you as a compliment to whatever mode of schooling your child is currently engaged in.
In 2015, the journey towards building a school for inclusion and a high level of education began. Crystal’s Intervention Services was established in the said year and later birthed the Virtue Inclusive Private School in 2017.
The founder, Crystal Codrington has been an educator for over twelve (12) years. She stepped out on faith and realized her dream of building a foundation for education, inclusion and social development for students of all walks of life.
She continues to build long lasting, supporting relationships with the students and parents of her school as she takes the time and patience to cater to the needs of each student who graces the halls of Virtue Inclusive Private School.
Every student matters, every moment counts.
Working collaboratively to ensure every student achieves academically, socially and emotionally.
Fazeer - Age 6
When I first started working with Fazeer, my intent was to address his communication challenges that were identified. He was non-verbal, would make sounds, possessed writing challenges, poor letter formation and was unable to read. Through thirty (30) minute sessions for (2) two terms, we focused on and addressed handwriting skills, letter sounds, blending and basic communication skills. As a result, he is now able to read and speak clearly. Through consistent daily work, we were able to get him reading and writing fluently. He is now in Std. 2. He is at class level and has a passion for reading and has improved overall tremendously. He has further excelled, placing in the first top (5) five students in his class.
Salum - Age 5
Salum, was not diagnosed with any disabilities learning or otherwise. He did not have any special needs in the traditional sense, but his biggest challenge was difficulty reading.
He was unable to identify letters and their sounds. When his mom attempted reading with him, it proved to be a challenge. His mother brought him for an evaluation to help identify and address his issues.
Although he did not have any identifiable disabilities, he was unable to achieve his fundamentals due to improper pre-schooling. Through the use of Jolly Phonics and specifically tailored learning strategies, Salum maintains the top position in his class.